Happy Gay Pride Everyone! Or just saying gay as we did in the past is no longer PC? It’s the BLT community pride :) Yum, I love bacon!
It’s gay pride today in San Francisco. Get your pride flags out and fly them proudly on a flagpole from or hang them from wherever you can make them fit!
It’s great to see so many rainbows out on the streets when 20 years ago this would have been a dream come true. I hope everybody going has an amazing time, as I’m sure they will. I always used to, and I’m planning on having fun today too! I haven’t been to a full pride event since my days as the model for the Altoids Float. That’s almost 10 years ago now. I danced around on the float for gay pride in San Francisco and Los Angeles for about 7 years.
Today, I have a few friends over for a BBQ in my backyard – it’s not a parade but it’s still a celebration! I’ll be sure to make a visit to twink movies xxx for old times sake, though. x Van

Van I very like you.I from China.I look forward to receiving your reply.
I’d be proud to have your body! I think that maybe you sold those briefs on your former website! Hope you got a good price for them!