I love this! Van Darkholme TDN Kosugi – Gachimuchi

I’ve been getting so many emails where people need to tell me that the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese have been making these videos of me on Youtube and Nicovideo.jp.

There were much more of my videos on Youtube but Youtube took it down because of the bondage thing, thinking that they were trying to get people to shop at laidtex or the like. Strange how Youtube works, but the artistry doesn’t end because they tried to censor it. Most moved over to Nicovideo.jp. It’s a Japanese site and really hard to figure out unless you speak Japanese.

They call me “Van Darkholme TDN Kosugi” or “Van Darkholme Gachimuchi”. Why do you put a baby head over my cock in all of these videos? Strange :)

The video below is one example. Thank you all!!! xo Van

12 thoughts on “I love this! Van Darkholme TDN Kosugi – Gachimuchi”

  1. deep dark fantasy ( ̄∇ ̄)
    The [fa] of your famous words [f**k you]is being widely used as a kind of instruments. ⊙_⊙

  2. There’s also europeans and americans currently creating music videos themed around you and billy herrington, there are se many of them…
    You can find alot of them by searching “gachimuchi” on youtube

    Also, the baby heads are placed to censure private parts, because they are forbidden on youtube. It’s to avoid the videos being deleted.


  3. Thank♂You♂Sir
    bilibili.com does have a ton of similar videos just like this.
    Hope you can check it out.

  4. ONE FA♂︎Q BEFORE YOU SEE ANYTHING THAT YOU LIKEwhat stems do you know? sensing of the kinds of ga♂︎y here! 1 xian4gua4chao3van4? 2 Asss♂︎real Darkholme? 3 buy ♂︎ some… ♂︎ reapd ♂︎ mud? Van, you are just a baby to me, so it’s hard to believe how young you look in these videos.(mmm?)that’s a good one(233)

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